What are the differences between Ribera del Duero and Rioja wines?
If you are a lover of good wine, it is very likely that at some point you have wondered about the differences between the wines of Ribera del Duero and Rioja. It is truly surprising how two wine regions barely two hours apart by car, both using the famous tempranillo grape as their main variety, and sharing many aging and preservation techniques, can produce such distinct wines. In this article, we will give you some clues to understand the reasons behind this divergence so that you can impress your family and friends with your expertise. Three factors that explain the differences in the wines First, the so-called terroir, which consists of the type of grape used, the climate, and the characteristics of the soils where the vines grow. Second, the cultural practices in the vineyard. Third and lastly, the winemaking practices carried out by the wineries. Let’s start with the easy part. As we mentioned at the beginning of this post, the winemaking techniques in both Ribera del Duero and Rioja are quite similar. The Crianzas, Reservas, and Gran Reservas of both regions share the same production and aging times of 24, 36, and 60 months, respectively, including the minimum